

Product Warranty Certificate

Dear customer,

Congratulations! You have purchased a xxxx product and because of that we would like to thank you for choosing us. This is a unique product made exclusively in Spain by qualified xxxxpersonnel, developed with the latest technology and the best raw materials. This product will allow you to enjoy your stay longer by extending your home with a system of easy operation, low maintenance, safe and with beautiful aesthetics. Hope you enjoy the most of it.

This guarantee does not cover any components that manifest a compliance defect due to malpractice, abusive use and / or improper maintenance by the END CUSTOMER, contrary to what is specified in the use and maintenance manual (filter cleaning, drains, foreign bodies in ducts, etc.); Defects as a result of improper installation; Manipulation or intervention of unauthorized third parties; Breakdowns caused by force majeure (among others, atmospheric, geological phenomena, floods, etc.); Defects or damages caused to merchandise sold due to negligence or faulty handling by the INSTALLER.

This guarantee does not cover the rubber components and any components that are external to the product on which the consumer can intervene during the necessary use to perform the correct maintenance of the product.

The validity of the warranty period for the xxxx product is set at 2 years for all components.

This PRODUCT WARRANTY contains and respects the rights listed in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, approving the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.

Yours sincerely,


Finanziert durch das Digital Kit Programm. Spaniens Erholungs-, Transformations- und Resilienzplan im Rahmen von „Next Generation EU“.